Respiratory diseases patient shifted from Chennai by Vedanta Air Ambulance

Yesterday our company shifted one respiratory disease patient.  India had an approximate 22.2 million chronic COPD long-suffering and around 35 million chronic asthma patients in 2016. Other than air pollution from vehicles and industry, global warming also increases the risk to respiratory health. Global warming has comprehensive the period of the pollen season and altered the timing, production and distribution of aeroallergens. Both pollen and air contaminant have climb simultaneously in the surroundings, most important to enhanced airway inflammation, thereby increasing the frequency of respiratory allergy and incidences of asthma.

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24/7/365 days receive Request for Emergency Patient Transportation

Vedanta Air Ambulance is a Famous Air Ambulance Service in Chennai which is providing the services to the very critical patients from one city to another with the bed to bed services. It has a lot of options and ideas for the patients’ transferring by Charted Aircraft and Train Ambulance services. Our cost is less luxurious, neither any hidden cost nor any extra charges for the people who want to book and get its services within a pointed time.

Well-taught and knowledgeable medical team by Vedanta Air Ambulance

This Air Ambulance Service in Varanasi is providing its services to the patients under the full time practised MD doctors and long time working paramedical technicians with the life growing ICU equipment for their patients. It has the best panel of expert MD doctors, an expert group of paramedical technicians and the very latest ICU equipment and life-extend instruments for the serious patients.

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